Quando ouvi este tema, ontem em casa de uma amiga, não estranhei, soava-me familiar. Faz parte do filme Sunshine do realizador Danny Boyle, o mesmo de Trainspotting e Shallow Grave, que estão entre os meus filmes favoritos. Há músicas que não se esquecem, nem que sejam ouvidas por um minuto, porque nos tocam em algum recanto da nossa alma. Along the avenue of hope The footsteps falter, the fingers grope and days, stretch out, beneath the sun No-one's born, and no-one dies, no-one lives, so no-one cries and we wait to see just what we will become Don't let me falter, don't let me ride Don't let the earth in me subside Let me see just who I will become You're like the clouds in my home town You just grow fat and hang around and you're days stretch out beneath the sun and you don't live, you don't die, you don't love so you don't cry and we wait, to see just what we will become